Saturday, May 16, 2020

Affirmative Action in a Post-Racial Corporate World

Affirmative Action in a Post-Racial Corporate World It is the purpose of this paper to demonstrate that efforts to force corporations to account for abstract principles such as fairness, racial equality, etc., are largely futile. In the end, corporations are meritocracies, not vehicles for correcting social injustices. Indifference is the very trait that makes the angels weep, said Dr. Cornel West, Princeton Professor and public intellectual, to a congregation of black folk at a NAACP conference several years ago. Indifference to the suffering of black folk, brown folk, and all of the other minorities in America is, indeed, injustice (West). Its wrong to idle in the wake of the pain and suffering of the economically disadvantaged, particularly when one has the means to agitate for social, political and economic change. And make no mistake about it; all people are suffering in this downed economy. But it must be pointed out that minorities are disproportionately suffering in these tough economic times. To give one an idea of how severe the suffering is amongst the black community, last month while the white unemployment rate fell to 7.5%, the black unemployment rate remained at 15.8%, exactly where it was at the outset of 2011 (Censky). If the job market for black people is bad, the home front is arguably even more depressing as approximately one in three black children - a full 36 percent of black youth - lives in poverty (its one in five for the generalShow MoreRelatedFunctions Of Human Resource Management1632 Words   |  7 Pages Affirmative action was created in an attempt to overcome past institution that against o treat one person or group worse than others or better than others, usually because of a prejudice about race, ethnicity, age, religion, or gender members of protects class’s race, color, gender, religion and national origin. 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The two laws go hand in hand in the workforce world. These laws are set in place to make it illegal for discrimination on any qualified employee in specific type of jobs by managers in certain workplaces. Discrimination can be in the form of racial, ethnicity, religion, sex, age, color or racial boundaries. T he main goal with EEO and affirmative action is thatRead MoreImplementing The E D Policies Essay900 Words   |  4 Pagesmake decisions and allocate resources in order to achieve a specific goals and objectives (Watkins 2007). Citing an example of a famous organisation ‘pwc’, it has instilled the corporate sustainability strategy to help create sustainable future by adapting skills, voice and relationships to create a positive change in the world (pwc, 2011-2015). 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The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines inequality as â€Å"the quality of being unequal or uneven† through† a lack of evenness b: social disparity c: disparity of distribution or opportunity d: the condition of being variable† (Merriam Webster). Now the question isRead MoreHuman Resource Development : Hr Leadership And Its Development2281 Words   |  10 Pages Human resource (HR) leadership has always been difficult in challenging times, but the unique stressors facing organizations throughout the world today call for a new approach to HR leadership and its development. We propose a multifaceted model that redefines the role of strategic HR leadership and for understanding connections between authentic HR leadership and sustainable organizational performance. that to build enduring organizations and motivate employees to provide superior customerRead MoreBus 303 Human Resources Management2625 Words   |  11 Pagespioneers who know themselves, who lead with trustworthiness and interest conformance to higher moral qualities. 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