Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay on Point Clear, Alabama - 1256 Words

For many, the quaint town of Point Clear, Alabama represents the Old South rooted in tradition, charm, and grace. Halfway down the bay and nearly hidden among oaks adorned with Spanish moss, Point Clear was founded in the early 1800s. Today, the city continues to honor its role in the Civil War, perpetuates the memories of its residents, and evolves as a greater and better place. Following the coast line, early Spanish explores first discovered Point Clear situated on the Bay of the Holy Spirit or as it is known today, Mobile Bay. The town was named Punta Clara in 1800 by the Spanish explorers because it was an easily identifiable landmark along the bay that marked the halfway point from the bays southern edge to Mobile (Havner).†¦show more content†¦Also, east of the Point Clear Hotel in the Point Clear Cemetery lay the graves of Confederate soldiers who were treated at the Hotel and died in Point Clear during the Civil War (Havner)(Walker). Point Clear had a huge influx of popularity in the years following the Civil War. In the late 1800s and early 1900s wealthy planters from all over the South flocked to the then Point Clear Hotel and the Texas Bar (Walker). In 1882 Dr. William H. Anderson , a Mobile resident, wrote a brochure entitled, The City of Mobile and the Contiguous County and the Gulf Coast as Winter Resort for Health and Pleasure of Invalids and other from the North and Northwest, in which he describes the pleasures that were found in Point Clear. He explains: Point Clear, a watering-place about twenty miles from the city of Mobile, there is a large and elegant hotel, filled in summer with visitors from Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. It is also open in winter to all who may desire to take advantage of the salt air from the Gulf. This watering-place is the finest, most healthy and most commodious in the South (Sulzby). Also in similar nature, Fredric P. Ravesies, President of the Vine and Olive Society and original resident of Spring Hill, wrote in 1884 that: Point Clear stillShow MoreRelatedAlabama V. Jaffree ( 1985 )1737 Words   |  7 PagesWallace, Governor of Alabama v. Jaffree (1985): Central Question: Does the Alabama statute 16-1-20.1, allowing a period of silence for meditation or voluntary prayer violate the First Amendment Establishment Clause that is applied to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment? Facts of the Case: The case of Wallace v. Jaffree calls into question the constitutionality of an Alabama statute that authorized teachers to lead a one-minute period of silence for â€Å"meditation or voluntary† prayer in all publicRead MoreMy Mother Character Analysis726 Words   |  3 PagesHave your Mother at any point been more strict than expected? In the novel, Mother is first favorable; however, she later gets more strict and intends to be respected in Alabama. 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