Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Reflection on assessment feedback Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Reflection on assessment feedback - Essay Example I had made slides for my students in a simple manner that even a layman could understand solely because I dint know the audience at all hence could not judge whether they would be from a nursing background or not. Based on my previous efforts in giving a slide based lecture, I minimized the use of visual aids since they tend to distract the audience away from the topic. These slides gave general information about spinal cord compression that might help any adult responsible for health education and increase there knowledge about this complication and how to prevent it. Although it was a hard job for me not to include nursing jargons, I managed it by using various websites that gave me non-technical terminologies. The students were given reading exercises where they had to comprehend the general patient information and present their individual’s group work by the end of the session. Since each group will take responsibility for each section in the educational session, the learning and comprehension of the information will increase manifold as compared to if the information was just fed to them. Acting and group based learning, according to me, is vital for student participation, confidence and learning. My real role began after this when I had to act my role in front of the students. I asked the students to form themselves into groups and decide on a topic that they would like to present. Making these groups was the most difficult part for me here since this was an entirely new experience for me. When I tried to force one person to go to a group, there would be wide protests maybe because some people weren’t conformable forming groups with certain people (Hunter, 1995). After using various combinations, groups were formed and I made a mental note that I would have to practice this before another one of these group formations arrive. After each section was assigned to the groups, I opened the discussion where I explained

Monday, February 10, 2020

Retail Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Retail Marketing - Essay Example In retail enterprises, importance of marketing has been rapidly increasing. There are efforts made by organizations to combine digital and traditional marketing channels. Promotional activities are highly encouraged by retailers. It helps them to drive attention of customers that is essential for developing brand promise. In this particular study, an article has been chosen in order to highlight different approaches of retail marketing. This article is based on Sunday deliveries of Amazon. It was an initiative undertaken to build a broader base of loyal customers. Retail logistics shall be the prime focus of the entire study. The article chosen is based on innovative schemes implemented by Amazon. Amazon is an electronic commerce company of America which was founded in 1994. This company has its headquarters located in Washington. It was originally an online book store which has expanded its business operations into different product segments like selling software, DVDs, video, CDs, electronics, furniture, food, jewellery, apparel, toys, etc. Retail logistics concept is often difficult to understand or analyze. Amazon is regarded as the largest online retailer located in United States. There have been effective measures implemented by this organization in order to enhance level of customer expectations through on-time delivery. Procurement and delivery issues are closely knitted with the concept of retail logistics. The entire logistic mechanism needs to be highly efficient in case of retail companies. This is simply because they often do not have a brand or value proposition but it is structured only th rough satisfying customer’s interests. The article chosen for this study reflects upon widespread operations of Amazon. It has been observed that Amazon is actively involved in handling wide array of products. In this article it is highlighted that this company witnesses problems related to timely delivery. Many customers are not able to collect their