Sunday, December 29, 2019

Youth Suicide - 3237 Words

Spring 2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACADEMIC CENTER OF EXCELLENCE ON YOUTH VIOLENCE PREVENTION, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE Fact Sheet YOUTH SUICIDE by Michiko Otsuki, Tia Kim, and Paul Peterson Introduction Youth suicide is a major public health problem in the United States today. Each year in the U.S., thousands of teenagers commit suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds, and the fifth leading cause of death for 5-14 year olds. (American Foundation of Suicide Prevention [AFSP], 2010; National Center for Health Statistics [NCHS],2006) The reduction of adolescent suicide is one of the major objectives of the Healthy People 2010 Initiative (Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Scope†¦show more content†¦The home is the most common location for firearm suicides by youth (Brent et al., 1993). 2 Maladaptive coping skills Maladaptive coping skills and poor interpersonal skills limit adolescents’ ability to problem solve, thereby increasing the likelihood that suicide will be considered the only solution (McBride Siegel, 1997). Early youth substance use also increases the risk of suicidal behaviors (Swahn, Bossarte, Ashby, Meyers, 2009; Cho et al., 2007; Swahn et al., 2008; Swahn Bossarte, 2007). Stressful life events Adolescents who attempt or complete suicide experience multiple negative life events (Reinhertz et al., 1995). The events may have occurred in childhood, such as physical and/or sexual abuse, neglect, separation and previous suicide attempts (King, O’Mara, Hayward, Cunningham, 2009). These stressors often overwhelm the coping skills of the adolescent because of his/her inexperience with such life situations (Wagner, Cole, Schwarzman, 1995). Other life events are also associated with suicide risk: interpersonal losses (e.g., breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend), legal or disciplinary problems (e.g., getting into trouble at schools or with a law enforcement agency), andShow MoreRelatedSuicide And Youth Suicide1234 Words   |  5 Pages Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. The percentage of gun deaths by suicide is 64%.Youth suicide rates are going up at an alarming rate in the years. The number one method that people go to is firearms, 49.8% of suicidal people chooses this method.They found that in 2014, the most recent year for which data is available, the suicide rate for children ages 10 to 14 had caught up to their death rate for traffic accidents (source 1). In all, 425 children ages 10 to 14 killed themselvesRead MoreEssay on Youth Suicide1214 Words   |  5 PagesYouth Suicide Introduction Suicide is a tragic event. It has a profound personal effect on all associated with the person who died. Families, friends and society as a whole are affected. There is a particular poignancy when the suicide is that of a young person at the threshold of life. Australia has the fifth highest suicide rate per 100 000 persons in the world. While suicide is highest among males, suicide attempts are higher among females and youth suicideRead MoreCauses Of Youth Suicide1316 Words   |  6 PagesYouth Suicide Suicide can be described as a process which includes thoughts of death (killing one’s self), to the actual act of carrying out the suicide attempt. In the United States, suicide is the third leading cause of death among our young people (McWhirter, McWhirter, McWhirter, McWhirter, 2017). Approximately 16% of youth have thoughts of suicide, 13% will attempt to develop a plan, and 8% will actually carry out this plan every year (McWhirter et al, 2017). Every day, five young peopleRead MoreEssay on Suicide Among Youth1302 Words   |  6 PagesSuicide Among Youth A suicide attempt is a non-fatal act in which an individual deliberately causes self- injury and should be recognized as a method of communication from a youth who may be experiencing severe problems. Canadian statistics from the Suicide Information and Education Center in 1996 recorded 25 000 attempted suicides and 250 successful suicides. 1 in every 100 people who try to commit suicide will die. Based on the 1996 statistics one can assume that these numbers have increasedRead MorePreventing Youth Suicide Essay2131 Words   |  9 Pages Youth suicide is a public health concern. Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death among children ages 15-24. Recently, more young people died from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other medical conditions combined (Miller, Mazza, Eckert, 2009). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that since the 1950s, the rate of suicide in youth has increased by more than 300 percent (Joe Bryant, 2007). The number of youth suicides that are reported is actuallyRead MoreYouth Suicide Is Influenced By Depression2500 Words   |  10 Pageschosen, youth suicide. This stood out mainly because it was something that sparked. This was very beneficial because, if looking at the title name and getting many thoughts and questions then this would be a great thesis topic. The question that stood out was, â€Å"What influences youth suicide?† As figured, being extolled at the amount of credible information received,inspired this thesis. From all of my gat hered information, which was a lot might I add, a final conclusion was made, youth suicide is influencedRead MoreSuicide Rates Among Youths Aged890 Words   |  4 PagesSuicide rates among youths aged 15-24 tripled over the past half-century suggesting a public health crisis in this community.4,16 Many general studies of the youth community are in existence, but to create an action plan, the individual risk factors and characteristics need to be better understood. One risk factor of particular interest is sexual orientation. Studies suggest an increased risk of suicidality in sexual minority youth (SMY) and the purpose of this paper is to better understand thisRead MoreYouth Suicide in Australia: A Report Essay755 Words   |  4 PagesAustralia has done enough to prevent youth suicide by showing the background and social significance of the issue. Furthermore, the participants involved and their controversial opinions related to the issue will be analyzed in this report as well. 2. The issue and the Background to the Issue Since the mid to late 1990’s, youth suicide has become a common cause of death for young Australians (Carter 2010 para. 1). The government then acted and managed to reduce the suicide rate, which was a success (CarterRead MoreGay, Bisexual, And Transgender Youth Suicide Essay1946 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender youth suicide continues to be a problem in many different countries but very limited data has been gathered about this social issue internationally. While it is well-known that it is still ongoing problem in many countries such as: Israel where a study of 1,134 teenagers were surveyed and results show that 20% of these teenagers have attempted suicide, which is 112 times the rate of the general population. The study also showed that the rateRead MoreCyberbullying And Youth Suicide Ideation And Attempts Essay1095 Words   |  5 PagesMethodology The purpose of my study would be to see the correlation between cyberbullying and youth suicide ideation and attempts. This study aimed to examine adolescents’ experiences with cyberbullying because, â€Å"victims of cyberbullying often report feeling frustrated, angry, and depressed (Patchin Hinduja, 2010). Cyberbullying can have a negative impact on a youth’s life and by conducting this study we can gain a better understanding of how cyberbullying manifests itself in adolescence s behavior

Friday, December 20, 2019

Benefits Of Medical For Nursing - 1445 Words

Nursing is a calling inside of the medicinal services division concentrated on the consideration of people, families, and groups so they may achieve, keep up, or recoup ideal wellbeing and personal satisfaction social insurance personal satisfaction. Medical caretakers may be separated from other medicinal services suppliers by their nursing hypothesis way to deal with patient consideration, attendant instruction preparing, and extent of practice. Numerous medical attendants give care inside of the requesting extent of doctors, and this conventional part has come to shape the notable public image of attendants as care providers. On the other hand, medical caretakers are allowed by most locales to rehearse freely in a variety of settings†¦show more content†¦Nurses may help arrange the patient consideration performed by different individuals from an interdisciplinary social insurance group, for example, advisors, medicinal specialists and dietitians. Medical caretakers give c are both reliantly, for instance, with doctors, and autonomously as nursing experts. The Code for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 1985) states that nurses as customer promoters act to shield the customer and general society when human services and security are influenced by inept, untrustworthy, or unlawful practice by any individual. Incompetent nursing practice is measured against nursing norms, dishonest practice is assessed by the Code for Nurses, and illicit practice is distinguished as far as infringement of the law. On the off chance that a medical attendant is mindful of improper or sketchy practice in the procurement of medicinal services, concern ought to be communicated to the individual doing the faulty practice. There ought to be a built up procedure for reporting and taking care of awkward, deceptive or unlawful practice inside of every business setting so that such reporting can adhere to authority courses without bringing about apprehension of response. The State Board of Nursing must get and handle every protestation made to them. Any indiv idual from people in general or calling, state or neighborhood authority may make a protestation to the Board. A letter is sent to the medical caretaker communicating

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Unethical Behavior on the Brand Image of an Organization-Analysis

Question: Analyze the impact of unethical behavior on the brand image of an organization. Answer: Business Research topic The topic selected for this research paper is to "analyze the impact of unethical behavior on the brand image of an organization." Recently it is seen that unethical behavior of the organizations regarding Environmental pollution, Discrimination, Bribing and gift giving and mistreating employees can create negative impacts on the customers and can harm their brand image among the existing and potential customers (Leonidou et al. 2013. However, the fact is not clear that how and which factors are affecting the brand image of the organizations mostly. That is the reason that it was necessary to conduct a research on this topic. Literature Review The purpose of the study is to discuss the factors of ethics while doing business. According to Jones and Gautsch (2013), if an organizations product strategy pricing strategy and promotional strategies are better than any other existing organization in the market it can give them a competitive advantage. However, if the body structure of that organization is unethical towards its employees, or, if that organization has implemented internal strategies that are unethical, then it can create a negative impact on the customers, as they will start to reject the products and services of that organization (Stead 2013). However, there are several arguments that try to prove which behavior can affect the brand image of an organization at most. Some of the most severe unethical practices of the organization are mentioned below. Environmental pollution The first major unethical concern in business ethics is environmental pollution. In most of the organizations, the executives used to choose simplest solutions in order to get rid of toxic waste. This simple solution of them was highly inappropriate for the environment as it might pollute the environment. Nowadays, environmental pollution is considered as a very unethical as it can harm the stakeholders of the firm that is polluting the environment. Besides, recently the Government has also become very strict regarding pollution reduction rules and regulations of business organizations. None of the customers would like to buy a product from an organization that pollutes the environment while manufacturing those products. Discrimination Discrimination is also considered as an unethical behavior of the organization. As mentioned by Sekerka et al. (2014), discrimination in the organization is known to be the most unethical factor of an organization, even more than environment pollution. According to Rawwas et al. (2013), one can discriminate in many forms. The most famous and well-known examples of discrimination are based on race, sex, national origin and age. It is highly wrong if an organization discriminates its employees just because they belong to one of the examples given above. If an organization is discriminating its employees, then it is obvious that the stakeholders especially customers will not consider that organization as their preferable one. For example, according to Cheng et al. (2014), Wal-Mart lost its market position and it's customer base after the employees accused the organization of forcing discrimination in the workplace. Bribing and gift giving According to Holtbrgge et al. (2015), another major unethical concern in business is the presence of bribing and gift giving. For example, when an organization is paying some extra money to the Government of a particular country then this behavior will be considered as a bribe. As mentioned by Sekerka et al. (2014), in a research, some of the managers said that they will not bribe any Government of a country to get business done. However, some of the managers stated that bribing or gift giving is acceptable in some countries and therefore it would be a good investment. For example, in China, their social tradition supports gift giving and most of the organization is bound to follow this while doing business in the country. From this statement, it is clear that organizations must investigate that whether gift giving is ethical and unethical in a country where they are conducting their business. Most of the customers expect that the product that they are buying are manufactured by an organization that is not only maintaining all ethical rules and regulation in their organization but also not doing something which might be considered as unethical and illegal. Therefore, if an organization is using bribing and gift giving methods against the legal rules, then the customers will not buy from that organization. Mistreating employees Another unethical concern that is considered as one of the most dominant factors that harm the brand image of an organization is the mistreating with employees Cheng et al. (2014). For example, Wal-Mart is a well-known example in the way they treat their personnel. Most of the employees in Wal-Mart are given low wages and they do not get extra payments for overtimes. On the other hand, Wal-Mart does not provide extra benefits to their employees such as health care benefits and pensions. Besides, the employees are forced to spy on each other and report to the superiors. When these facts came out, the customers of the organization switched to other retail companies such as Tesco, Asda and K-Mart. This is the reason that the organization lost its leading market position in the UK retail industry (Jones and Gautschi 2013). Misrepresentation Last but not the least; misrepresentation is the fifth major unethical practice that is mostly adapted by small organizations. Those organizations force their sales personnel to the customers about the performance of a product. Bigger organizations do the same thing but in their advertisements by making them misleading. According to (Rawwas et al. 2013), this unethical behavior of the organizations by implementing misleading advertisement is still taking place frequently and it is very hard to prohibit such behaviors (He and Lai 2014). In both of the cases, when customers find out that the information is wrong on which they bought a product, it is obvious that they never buy that product again which will hamper the brand image of that firm. Research Question What are the most influential unethical practices of the organizations? What should be done if an organization is found using unethical practices in their workplace? How the brand image of an organization can be affected if it is using unethical practices in its place of work? Research Methodologies The research process Research Process for this study was started with its first step, which is to select an effective and appropriate research topic. In order to do this study, "the impact of unethical behavior on the brand image of an organization" is selected. As a second step, the research problem is identified that is organizations are losing their market position and brand value because of practicing unethical practices. Then the research questions were identified in which the entire research will depend on. The hypothesis for the study will be set in the following way, H1: Unethical behavior of an organization creates a negative impact on its brand image H2: Unethical behavior of an organization does not create a negative impact on its brand image After that, a literature review was build including all the most important unethical practices of organizations. Some examples were also added where is seen that because of those unethical practices those organizations are slowly losing their market share and brand image. Data Collection and Analysis process In order to complete the research based on the selected topic, it would be better if both primary and secondary research methods were used. Primary research methods are used in order to collect real-life data from a particular population (Brannen 2012). On the other hand, secondary research method is used to find out the results of previous researches that were done on the same topic (Onwuegbuzie and Leech 2012). In this study, it is highly important to find out what the customers are thinking about the unethical practices of the organizations and how they are changing their buying behavior according to that. On the other hand, it is also important to conduct a secondary research to find out the differences, if any, between the behaviors of customers for the same issue in the past and the present (Freshwater 2012). For the primary research quantitative method will be used which will help to gather probability sample from a huge population of the country (Cameron 2012). In order to gather this data, survey questionnaire will be distributed to 50 participants or customers of some organizations. Their responses will be then evaluated in table and chart format to find out expected research outcome (Toloie et al. 2012). Secondary research will depend on authentic and credible journals, articles and previous research reports on this same study to find out what the previous results showed (Ellis and Levy 2012). These sources will help to gather valuable and credible data in a lesser time and effort, which will support the research by providing understanding and knowledge related to unethical behavior in business (Truscott et al. 2012). Expected Research outcome After conducting the research, it is anticipated that the final data will show whether the unethical behavior of the organizations is creating a negative impact on the customers and forcing them to change their buying behavior or not. On the other hand, this research will also find out which unethical practice of the organizations is more harmful to their brand image. Gantt chart Part 1 Figure 1: Gantt chart part 1 (Source: Author) Part 2 Figure 2: Gantt charts part 2 (Source: Author) Conclusion From the study, it is clear that the study will mainly focus on various unethical practices of the business organization in order to find out how those practices are affecting their brand images. In order to conduct a research based on the topic, it is recommended that both primary and secondary research methods must be used, as primary research will help to collect existing data I the market and secondary data will help to collect information on the journal, articles and previous research reports. Reference list Brannen, J. 2012. Prologue, mixed methods for novice researchers: reflections and themes, International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(1), 812. Cameron, R. 2012. 'A sequential mixed model research design: design, analytical and display issues', International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(2), 140-152, Cheng, C.Y., Hsieh, C.H. and Yang, Y.S., 2014. Who would engage in unethical behavior? Should organizations bear the responsibility?.Quality Quantity,48(4), pp.2341-2354. Ellis, T. and Levy, Y. 2012. Towards a guide for novice researchers on research methodology: Review and proposed methods, Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 6, 323-337. Freshwater, D. 2012. Reading mixed methods research: contexts for criticism, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(2), pp. 134-46. He, Y. and Lai, K.K., 2014. The effect of corporate social responsibility on brand loyalty: the mediating role of brand image.Total Quality Management Business Excellence,25(3-4), pp.249-263. Holtbrgge, D., Baron, A. and Friedmann, C.B., 2015. Personal attributes, organizational conditions, and ethical attitudes: a social cognitive approach.Business Ethics: A European Review,24(3), pp.264-281. Jones, T.M. and Gautschi III, F.H., 2013. Will the Ethics of Business Change? A Survey of Future Executives. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 481-504). Springer Netherlands. Leonidou, L.C., Leonidou, C.N. and Kvasova, O., 2013. Cultural drivers and trust outcomes of consumer perceptions of organizational unethical marketing behavior.European Journal of Marketing,47(3/4), pp.525-556. Onwuegbuzie, A. J. and Leech, N. J. 2012. On becoming a pragmatic researcher: The importance of combining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8, 375-387. Rawat, S.R., Bhatia, K., Hegde, M., Bhat, N. and Tewari, S., 2015. The Importance of Ethical Marketing Practices.Journal of Business Management Economics,3(2), pp.23-30. Rawwas, M.Y., Arjoon, S. and Sidani, Y., 2013. An introduction of epistemology to business ethics: A study of marketing middle-managers.Journal of business ethics,117(3), pp.525-539. Sekerka, L.E., Comer, D.R. and Godwin, L.N., 2014. Positive organizational ethics: Cultivating and sustaining moral performance.Journal of Business Ethics,119(4), pp.435-444. Stead, W.E., Worrell, D.L. and Stead, J.G., 2013. An integrative model for understanding and managing ethical behavior in business organizations. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 405-418). Springer Netherlands. Toloie-Eshlaghy, A., Chitsaz, S., Karimian, L. and Charkhchi, R. 2012. A Classification of Qualitative Research Methods, Research Journal of International Studies, 20, 106-152. Truscott, D. M., Smith, S., Thornton-Reid, F., Williams, B. and Matthews, M. 2012. A cross-disciplinary examination of the prevalence of mixed methods in educational research: 1995-2005, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 13(4), pp. 317-28.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

In the passage A Fable for Tomorrow Rachel Carson conveys changes in moods through a variety of methods Essay Example For Students

In the passage A Fable for Tomorrow Rachel Carson conveys changes in moods through a variety of methods Essay How does the author of the following extracts use language to convey changes and contrasts in mood and meaning. In the passage A Fable for Tomorrow Rachel Carson conveys changes in moods through a variety of methods. She attacks the readers senses using visual and audio descriptions, alliteration and the use of positive and negative wording and sentences. I will demonstrate how she achieves this through close analysis of the extract. The title of the passage A Fable for Tomorrow evokes morally instructive childhood fairytales in which characters typically learn lessons from others mistakes and through subtle messages. This is what I think the author is aiming for. Carsons use of tomorrow warns us what will happen if we do not take heed of her words. Throughout the first paragraph the readers visual senses are assaulted through imagery. White clouds of bloom brings to mind cotton wool drifting above the different coloured fields during the spring. The author describes the changing of the seasons and the beginning of the paragraph brings to mind the traditional images of spring and the beginnings of new life. The paragraph uses positive language, long sentences, positive images, words and alliteration. lamed and flicked makes you visualise the fiery colours of autumn, whilst the deer in the mist submerges you in an unspoiled wilderness. The strong wording of seemed to live in harmony is important as Carson suggests it is hard for people to live in harmony with the countryside. The author goes on to describe a winter and in this community even winter is beautiful, delighted the travellers eye and the roadsides were places of beauty. The second paragraph begins very differently from the first with powerful words such as blight which create a sense of foreboding. Shorter sentences become increasingly negative in tone and the alliterations evoke darker mysterious maladies. Fear is created with statements describing much illness and the shadow of death bringing about a sense of panic amongst a community living in fear and shock. Carson also plays on the readers maternal and paternal instincts by using children and showing that the unknown illness is indiscriminate; the children would be suddenly stricken and die within a few hours. The story is brought full circle with it was a spring without voices. This once again plays on the readers senses as they are forced to imagine a spring without birdsong; the countrysides soundtrack. This brings to mind the death of the countryside and visual senses are played on with images of trembling birds, flapping around unable to fly. The final paragraph tells the reader that this town does not exist but it could, echo the chapters title A Fable for Tomorrow. It warns the reader that unless they take action, what she has described will occur on a large scale in a substantial number of communities. The use of the negative phrases grim spectres and tragedy drives home the need for action. Carson manages to convey changes and contrasts in mood successfully through a number of methods; playing on the readers senses and instincts is the most powerful, used throughout the entire chapter, this makes the reader take notice of what she is saying. The strong wording and alliteration is another successful method of conveying her message. The positive, longer sentences at the beginning and the shorter, increasingly negative tone of the later strong end stopped sentences, creates strong contrasting moods and tell us what is happening.